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Playing Rules - NYSA follows North Texas Soccer Playing Rules Bylaws and Other InformationInclement Weather Policy
Text Message Warning System
Text NacSoccer to 84483 to sign up for text message alert system to keep up with field closures and be warned of dangerous weather.

Lightning Policy 
If lightning is detected within a 10 mile radius of the complex, then all players must leave the fields. Practice/play may resume when lightning has not been detected for 30 minutes.

Rain Outs

Games are NOT canceled for rain, unless their is lightening or excessive rain. However, sometimes due to rain fields are closed for practices. Keep up with us on Facebook or check the Home page to keep up with rain outs and field closures.

Temperature Thresholds - fields will be closed for the player safety reasons if the following thresholds are met:
Heat Index > 104
Wind Chill < 40


North Texas Soccer

Nacogdoches Youth Soccer Association (NYSA) is affiliated with North Texas Soccer & US Youth Soccer
© Nacogdoches Youth Soccer Association (NYSA) 2012
P.O. Box 632196
Nacogdoches, TX 75963-2196
Webmaster: Jeremy Becnel

US Youth Soccer